Katana Gets A Family
"Katana Gets a Family: Lessons of a Labradoodle" is a gentle, charming, memorable, and nicely illustrated picture book that will have a special appeal for young children with an interest in pet themed stories on pet adoptions in general and dog stories in particular. While also readily available for personal reading lists in a paperback edition (9781615997619, $15.95) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $4.95), "Katana Gets a Family: Lessons of a Labradoodle" is an especially and unreservedly recommended pick for family, daycare center, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book collections for children ages 4-8.
"Leap into the loving world of Katana Gets a Family, where tails wag and hearts connect. Children and parents alike will discover the timeless values of compassion, caring, patience and acceptance. A charming read that's sure to become a bedtime favorite!"
"Katana Gets a Family is a creative way to share the story of a family's unconditional love. Children questioning whether they are accepted, or who are yearning for unconditional love, can relate to Katana and feel connected to her. It is truly a masterpiece with a great social-emotional lesson."
"It is challenging to teach children about acceptance and mistakes. Katana Gets a Family is a gentle and loving story that serves as the perfect tool to explore these important social-emotional topics with children in school and home alike."
–Abby Pete, author of the Harvey the Hippo series
–Jennifer Letvinchuk, MSEdL., educator and mom
–Verónica Alvarado-Frías, M.Ed., educator, mom, and early intervention specialist

Dos Idiomas, One Me caught my attention because I work in a church with a large Hispanic population. The kids all are bilingual so I thought this would be a great book to read and it was. I enjoyed the outlook of the young girl. I never thought that maybe the kids feel a bit torn, like living in two worlds because they speak two languages. They have no idea how much this will benefit them in their futures.
Maggy Williams does a great job with the simple language and with getting across the point that being bilingual is a good thing. I am so impressed with Williams' writing I want to get another of her books for my grandson. You should, especially if you live in a community that has a large bilingual population, pick up a copy of Dos Idiomas, One Me. I have volunteered to share my review and all the opinions are 100% my own.
Important Read - Especially for Adults
Nicky Conroy

Dos Idiomas, One Me
"A charming book depicting bicultural identity. Maggy Williams takes the reader into the struggle and joy a child experiences while not feeling ni de aquí, ni de allá, and yet from both sides."
–Anel Duarte, artist and poet
"Esta pequeña historia guarda un gran tesoro. Para todos los niños que tienen la gran oportunidad y capacidad de aprender dos o más idiomas a la vez, de una forma natural. Que puedan apreciar y sentir la fortuna de ser completamente bilingües desde una edad temprana. Una ventaja con la que contarán el resto de sus vidas y que podrá ser de gran ayuda para ellos mismos y muchos otros a su alrededor. Un lindo recurso para todos los padres que quieren enseñar a sus hijos la riqueza de formar parte en varias culturas a la vez."
"Dos Idiomas, One Me illustriously guides young readers and their grownups towards understanding that differences make us unique and special. Beautifully written!"
–AnnaMarie Jones, co-creator of The Demystifying Diversity Podcast
–Irma Erichsen, author and artist
I'm mixed!
As a biracial child, Maggy Williams had three options. She could identify as black, white, or mixed. She chose to embrace her multiracial heritage because she was taught that she could. Her hope is that this book will help children to realize that it is possible to integrate their multiple racial identities.

“Maggy Williams’ text comes straight from the heart, helping us all say goodbye to the days when a child had to own only one identity. This book is a loving message to all children, regardless of ethnicity. Love who you are, be who you are meant to be and find the joy in being you!”
–Ellen E. Sadler, children’s book author and award-winning educator
“I’m Mixed is a simple story which approaches how we describe ourselves from an early age, from the perspective of a young girl who has a black father and a white mother. It encourages children to embrace their appearance without labeling themselves as one race or another. In an increasingly diverse world, acceptance, inclusion and self-awareness are imperative, and Maggy Williams gives us a great starting point for conversation.”
“At a time when so many feel excluded and less-than, I’m Mixed, by Maggy Williams, reminds us that everyone is to be appreciated and celebrated for who and what they are.”
–Cyrus Webb, media personality, author, and speaker
–Lori Siesto, MME-MT, MT-BC, author, educator and music therapist
Celia and the Glue Man

Life without cookies, cake and pizza is no fun, so Celia decides to break the rules - just this once. She eats a cupcake. What follows is what you might expect. Celia gets sick. Really sick. So sick she decides to give up gluten for good. But she's not happy about it. Then, she meets someone who changes her perspective.
"I love this book! What a beautiful message to send to young people about how to turn circumstances around. It's all about the food of love and friendship that is the most sustainable, energetically charged nourishment, not only for young people but for our shared humanity. There should be an open space on all book shelves to welcome this heartwarming story."
–Laura Parisi, Food Shaman, Reiki Master, Founder of Rooted Angel Cooking School
"A book that is both fun (and rhyming!) and important for kids to understand how celiac disease works and what it means for kids at school. It will appeal to those who have the disease, as a comfort and explanation, and to their friends who may not understand why they can't share some foods."
–Jacqui Lipton, Author and Literary Consultant, Authography LLC
"I cannot say enough good things about this book. I LOVE it! The biggest challenge to following any special diet is the emotional component, rather than a lack of knowledge. Maggy finds a creative way to guide kids who are struggling with dietary restrictions to reach a place of acceptance. I also appreciated the very useful visual of the glue monster, especially since that's essentially what gluten is!"
–Ashley E. Daub, Pediatric Dietitian, MS, RD, LD